The problem of unemployment is one of the most serious socio-economic problems.
Unemployment means the state of being without any opportunity of earning one’s livelihood. It refers to a condition when the workforce is not able to secure a paying job.
During the early days, there was not much of unemployment. Most people lived in villages and they were engaged in agriculture to earn their livelihood. But with the advancement of civilization machines with modern technologies have been introduced and this industrial civilization has brought about a change in the sphere of employment.
India is burdened with so many problems and unemployment problem is one of the serious problems. The number of unemployed youths in our country has already reached an alarming stage and still the number is increasing every year. A large number of youths, though willing to work, find no scope for employment. The economic well being of our country depends on the solution of this problem.
Causes: Many factors are responsible for the problem of unemployment.
- The rapid growth of population and faulty education system are mainly at the root of the problem.
- People from rural areas have developed a tendency to migrate to the cities for office jobs. They find little interest in self-employment schemes.
- Defective education system is also responsible for unemployment problem. This system is not satisfactorily related to the socio-economic needs of our people.
- Automation in different spheres has worsened the situation. Thousands of graduates, post graduates, qualified engineers remain idle after completing their jobs.
- Some of the young men are turning to be anti-social out of their formation.
Effects: As a result, criminal activities are on the rise. The sharp increase in the poverty rate and low standard of public health are also the ill effects of the problem. Again, unemployment aggravates social unrest and economic imbalance of the country.
In India, this formidable problem will go to an alarming stage unless some positive measures are immediately adopted.
Solutions: The solutions of the alarming problem should be sought in right earnest. Population control, vocational education, orientation of self-employment scheme and the flourishing of agro-industries are some useful measures to ease the pressure of unemployment.
- The village and cottage industry should be developed. If the villages become sufficient in their economy the villagers would not run to the cities in search of jobs.
- Our young men should build up new industries, form co-operative societies and go in for agriculture.
- Loan facilities should be extended among the unemployed youths so that they may set up small industries.
Conclusion: We should keep in mind that self-help is the best help. We must admit the bitter fact that no government can provide employment to all the unemployed youths. Mere government measures cannot solve such an enormous problem. Still, the government should adopt measures to create opportunities for self-employment. There is no ready-made solution for this staggering problem.