The difficulties of agricultural marketing includes the following:
- Too many intermediaries: Too many intermediaries eat up the marketing profits. The cultivator gets a price, which is very much lower than the price, which the final consumers pay.
- Unregulated markets: There are many unregulated markets in villages. The cultivators have often to pay a large number of allowances and deductions.
- Lack of holding power: The cultivators have less holding power. They cannot hold out the agricultural produce for a better price but have to sell immediately after the harvest at prices dictated by the buyers.
- Ignorance: The ignorant cultivators do not usually know the actual prices ruling in the big markets. They fall easy prey to the greedy intermediaries and large crop dealers.
- The establishment of modern warehouses and cold storages will enable the growers to get advances and would enhance their staying power.
- Marketing survey should be undertaken with regard to all the principal products.
- It is essential to improve village transport without which marketing reforms are impossible.