Education is the process of facilitating learning and acquisition of knowledge, values, skills, habits, and beliefs. Various methods of education are involved like discussion, training, teaching, storytelling, and research.
Education is in popular parlance equivalent to schooling. People send their children to school to receive education. Schools provide education to the children regarding knowledge and understanding of subjects like languages, sciences, Mathematics, music, etc. Schools also provide physical education to students through the exercise and sports periods.
Higher education means the learning that one goes through after school that is in colleges and universities. This education directly leads to one’s career.
Education is frequently taking place under the guidance of the educators, but learners are also required to educate themselves. Education will take place in formal and informal settings and any experience that has the formative effect on the way one feels, thinks and act will be considered as education. This methodology of teaching is known as pedagogy.
Importance of Education
People refer to well-behaved persons as educated people because of the refinement of personality that education is supposed to bring. However, that is also a matter of culture. Education can be a life-long process for some people who are curious about nature.
Children like the experiential form of education because it satisfies their inherent curiosity about the world around them, rather than academics.
A person who is of higher education will easily qualify when compared to the person without having any extended education. With knowledge, the person will do various tasks that careers will demand and will try to meet the job standards in the market.
Education is always an ennobling experience because the higher one goes; one realizes how little one knows.