Importance of Trees - Essay 1.
Trees are life givers in many ways. It is very important to plant more trees so that we can make our commitment towards a greener world concrete.
Trees generate oxygen as a part of the photosynthesis process. Oxygen is vital for human survival.
Trees give fruits and shade, one of which gives nutrition and another, relief from heat.
Planting trees is a way of affirming its importance in human life.
Planting trees is very important in today’s world because the pollution and carbon emission is controllable by trees as they absorb these gases and convert them into pure oxygen.
The deforestation that has happened over the recent years has had a damaging effect on the environment and ecology. A speedy process of afforestation can help reduce this damage and reverse it even.
It is being increasingly realised that urbanisation has led to a severe loss in natural beauty and greenery. The newer buildings and constructions are at least partly compensating by keeping big trees where possible and planting more trees along the road or having plenty of green areas and trees within the building complexes.
Planting trees and seeing them thrive is a pleasure by itself. Showing this process to children is a big step towards a greener world as they take pleasure in planting more and more trees and helping in their maintenance.
By Janhavi (2019)
Importance of Trees - Essay 2.
Trees are one of the most vital elements of our natural environment. They are central to most ecosystems across the world. Trees are of various types: big trees like banyan, desert trees like palm trees, coniferous trees like pine trees, deciduous trees, flowering trees, fruit-bearing trees, etc.
Planet Earth
For the planet Earth the trees are like its lungs. They are a vital element of the entire planet ecosystem. It can even be argued that they have a central role in the Earth’s ecosystem. Trees purify the air. All the toxic chemicals that are released into the air due to pollutions of various kinds are filtered by the trees.
Birds and Animals
Birds and animals depend heavily on trees for their survival. Birds build their nests in trees. Their young ones, families survive and learn life on the branches of trees. They even seek their nutrition in the form of insects and fruits on the trees. The animal kingdom too is interdependent for its survival on the trees.
Human beings
Human beings have utilized trees for their development the most. They use trees to make wood. Wood is used for paper, as fuel, as building material, furniture, etc. Human beings have cut extensive forests to build cities and even to clear land for agriculture. But now human beings have realised their mistake. That they have over-utilized the gift of trees. They need to start planting more trees if they need to save the environment, the planet and themselves too.
By Janhavi (2019)
Importance of Trees - Essay 3.
A tree is a tall plant that has a wide trunk or stem and has several branches that sprout from the stem. Trees are very important not only because of the benefits they provide to the ecosystem but also due to them being a source of raw materials.
Trees are used to make herbal medicines. It is from the barks of trees and also their leaves that several herbal drugs are made from. An example is the neem tree whose bark has medicinal value.
Trees also provide people with timber. People who partake in logging of trees get timber from the stems which are then used in the construction of wooden houses and structures and also in the production of furniture.
Trees also help in combating global warming. They do this by absorbing excess levels of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere. This prevents the carbon gas from accumulating in the atmosphere and causing increase in temperatures around the world.
Trees also help in the production of paper. It is from trees that paper that is used in the making of books and tissue paper is gotten from.
Trees help in fighting soil pollution. This is by their roots holding soil particles together and hence preventing soil erosion.
It is from trees that the water cycle is enhanced. This happens when trees contribute towards additional water vapor in the atmosphere which contributes to the formation of rainfall.
Trees also help in providing habitats for various animals. This includes the animals that live in the trunks and on top of trees.
Trees are very beneficial to us as they are the weapon that people can use to deal with recurring climate change. It is therefore important for people to take part in planting trees and avoiding deforestation.
By Mary (2019)
Last updated: July 1, 2019.