Gujarat is passing through a growth phase in the field of agriculture. High yielding varieties (HYV) of seeds, are being used. Chemical fertilizers are applied and irrigation is improved both ground and surface water.
During the recent years, Gujarat has witnessed significant improvement in the field of agriculture. The agricultural growth rate was over 9% during the period 2000-2010, as against a growth rate of around 3% during the 1990s. During the period between 2000 and 2008, the growth rate of wheat production stood at 28%.
Gujarat now ranks first in the production of groundnut and second in the production of tobacco. Other cash crops of Gujarat are Isabgul, Cumin, Mangoes and Bananas.
Gujarat is a maritime state. The state is drained by the river Narmada, Tapti, Mahe, and Sabarmati. The soil of this state is the mixture of three Black soils, Sandy soil and Alluvium soil.
So, the main agricultural crops are bajra, jawar, rice, and wheat. Major commercial crops of cash crops are cotton, tobacco and groundnut, linseed, sugar-cane, etc. Groundnuts cover the maximum acreage among all crops. Cotton stands second. The food crops are widely defused. Fruits and vegetables also contributes towards agriculture.
Groundnut is mostly concentrated in the peninsular Gujarat with light, and gribble soil. Tobacco is concerned in Kheda and Vadodra. Cotton is raised in Gujarat Plain. Here, rainfall is in between 60 to 100 cm. Cash crops play an important role in the economy of the state.
Besides climatic and other geographical factors, the recent success of agriculture in Gujarat is mainly attributed to the efforts of state-run institutions and introduction of HYV seeds, improved irrigation methods, etc. The various state promoted agricultural universities work towards implementation of new technologies. The improved marketing, warehousing, and cold-storage infrastructures ensurer marketability, sustainability and efficacy of food products
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