Social Issues in India (causes, effects and solutions)
Posted in Social Issues in India by Team Work On March 23, 2015
Social Issues in India Introduction: Social issues (also social problem, social evil, and social conflict) refers to any undesirable condition that is opposed either by the whole society or by a section of the society. India is facing a large number of
Interesting Facts about India
Posted in Important India by Team Work On October 15, 2013
India is a large country and has rich cultural heritage. It is the birthplace of several tribes, religions and cultures. Here are some interesting facts about India. 1. Origin of the Name ‘India’: The origin of the name ‘India’ is derived from River
Paragraph on Women Employment
Posted in Essays, Paragraphs and Articles by Kiran On November 23, 2015
Industrialization and technological change have opened vast opportunities of employment for women in different sectors of the national economy. Today Indian women go to the factory, the office, or the school, or the college to work for a wage. Formerly a young
Barriers for Women Employment
Posted in Indian Society by Kiran On November 23, 2015
There are many barriers of female employment in the course of the country’s economic development and modernization. Illiteracy, poverty, decline of household industries, competition from factories, and technological changes are the major barriers for women employment. They are each briefly discussed below:
Child Labor in India
Posted in Social Issues in India by Gyan On November 20, 2015
The problem of child labor is a socio-economic problem; and the rise of this phenomenon in an alarming proportion has caused a serious concern in India. Age: The children belonging to the age groups, ranging from six to fourteen years, in the
Short Essay on Clean Ganga River
Posted in Essays, Paragraphs and Articles by Gyan On November 20, 2015
Introduction: The Ganga or the Ganges is the longest river in India. River Ganga originates from the Gangotri in the Himalayas. Then, it flows through the major areas of Northern India and undivided Bengal; it had met the Bay of Bengal. Thus,
Why dowry system is bad?
Posted in Indian Society by Gyan On November 20, 2015
The system of dowry is bad and a great social evil prevalent in Indian society. The unscrupulous person allege that the bride’s parents failed to give the dowry promised by them at the time of negotiation of marriage. Now-a-days, in the marriage market
Short Paragraph on Role of Woman in Today’s Society
Posted in Essays, Paragraphs and Articles by Gyan On November 20, 2015
Women are an integral part of today’s society. They have an active social life. They participate in various social and cultural functions. A woman today no longer lags behind the man in the most occupations. She plays the games of football, cricket, and
Critical Overview of the Indian Railway System
Critical Overview of the Indian Railway System: The transport system of a country should be so devised and managed that it may promote the harmonious development of a country. The efficiency of Indian railway system can be critically judged in three ways: Whether it
Paragraph on Science and War
Posted in Essays, Paragraphs and Articles by Vinay Gupta On November 20, 2015
Relation between Science and War: Science and war have co-existed from the earliest times. Victory goes to the nation which is more highly developed in science. This fact explains why science progresses so rapidly under the stress of war. Formerly, wars were won or
A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned - Essay
The quote “a penny saved is a penny earned” was quoted by Benjamin Franklin. Its Meaning: It is generally said that “a penny saved is penny earned” or “money saved is money earned”. It means that money that is saved is equivalent to the
Short Essay on Self-Reliance
Posted in Blog by Vinay Gupta On November 20, 2015
Meaning: Self-reliance is the habit of relying on one’s own powers and abilities in the midst of difficulties and dangers. A self-reliant person does not depend for help, but uses his own judgment and powers in facing difficulty or carrying out an undertaking. Dependence