Social Issues in India (causes, effects and solutions)
Posted in Social Issues in India by Team Work On March 23, 2015
Social Issues in India Introduction: Social issues (also social problem, social evil, and social conflict) refers to any undesirable condition that is opposed either by the whole society or by a section of the society. India is facing a large number of
Interesting Facts about India
Posted in Important India by Team Work On October 15, 2013
India is a large country and has rich cultural heritage. It is the birthplace of several tribes, religions and cultures. Here are some interesting facts about India. 1. Origin of the Name ‘India’: The origin of the name ‘India’ is derived from River
What are the Characteristics of a True Patriot?
Posted in Essays, Paragraphs and Articles by Gyan On November 9, 2015
It is not only on the field of battle, in defending his country, that a true patriot finds work for his hands. The well-being of his fellow citizens, their happiness, their material, and moral progress, their spiritual salvation – these are dearer
‘Empty Vessels Make The Most Noise’ - Proverb explained
Perhaps you know the vernacular proverb: ‘empty vessels make the most noise!‘. It means that the fondness of external show is a sign of weakness than of strength. A truly fine object needs no ornament. Simplicity is consistent with true greatness; the
Paragraph on Compassion
Posted in Essays, Paragraphs and Articles by Gyan On November 9, 2015
Compassion is the highest of all virtues. Moreover, charity is the offspring of compassion, which is the bond that knits all things together, high and low, and is the symbol of the highest power. Compassion is the great balm of life. She
Short Paragraph on a Philanthropist
A philanthropist loves entire humanity. His love leads him to feel how the world is steeped in misery. The problem of human suffering torments him. He gladly bears the burden of the weak. As thus our hearts expand, we come to a
Short Paragraph on Family Love
Posted in Essays, Paragraphs and Articles by Gyan On November 9, 2015
The family is a world in itself, and the earliest and most sacred lessons of sacrifice are learnt within its fold. First, we will take Parental Love. Parental love plays an important role in our lives. What great sacrifices our parents have
“A man is what he thinks all day long” - Proverb Explained
“A man is what he thinks all day long” is an old proverb. It means that a man is mainly as he makes himself in mind. Wealth and position do not bring true happiness or true power. The intellect has always ruled
Paragraph on Self-respect
The most important of self-regarding virtues is self-respect. Your entire character and conduct depend in the first place on your estimate of yourself. A self-reliant and undaunted person succeeds in the great battle of life. Courage, perseverance, cheerfulness - almost all virtues
Duty vs. Virtue - Explained
We will try to understand the difference between a duty and a virtue. The term “Duty” applies to the physical act. Virtue refers to the mental disposition. Duties make up external conduct, virtues internal character. Now, one may do one’s duty even though one
Why should we Love and Respect our Parents?
Our parents are the first people with whom we come into contact. Our indebtedness to them is very great. Our very body we owe to them. How can we ever repay all the tender love and anxious care with which they watch
Why should we Protect the Weak?
The protection of the weak is, perhaps, the most sacred of the duties we owe to others. It is that which makes us truly human, and helps to develop all our higher and nobler faculties of action. In fact, the test of