West Bengal Panchayat Samiti - Organization, Powers and Functions
Organization, Power and Functions of Panchayat Samity in West Bengal According to the West Bengal Panchayat Act of 1973 the Panchayat Samiti is the second layer of the three-tier Panchayat system. In fact, the Panchayat Samiti is the successor of the former
Panchayat Raj in West Bengal
Panchayat Raj System In West Bengal The Panchayati Raj System is the most successful scheme in the State of West Bengal. The very concept of Panchayati Raj have inspired the rural people to take more active role in village administration which is
Bureaucracy in India
Bureaucracy in India In a parliamentary democracy such as that of India, the administration is carried by the Council of Ministers. Ministers are collectively and individually responsible to the Parliament. Each administrative department of government is placed under the charge of a
Administrative Accountability In India
Administrative Accountability The key word of administration is management. At the same time, the successful administration also depends much on the efficient performance of works with sincerity and responsibility. Naturally the question of responsibility always finds greater importance in the management of
Union Public Service Commission (U.P.S.C) - History, Functions, Powers
Posted in Administration in India by Amit Sen On August 20, 2013
Union Public Service Commission (U.P.S.C) in India The success and effectiveness of public administration depends essentially on the ability impartiality and honesty of the bureaucrats. As such the responsibility of selecting such type of persons for administrative jobs should be vested on
IAS Training In India | Training Process of the Indian Administrative Services
Indian Administrative Training (IAS) TRAINING IN INDIA For recruitment in the Indian Civil Services the Union Public Service Commission conducts a written and oral competitive examination and then prepares a merit list on the basis of it. The U.P.S.C. conducts this examination
State Chief Secretary (India)
State Chief Secretary(India) As India has adopted the federal system, it consists of several states—total number of twenty-eight states—the last three being recently included. In each of these component states there is a general Administrative Department under the authority and direct control
Difference Between Ministers And Departments of Government of India
Posted in Administration in India by Amit Sen On August 20, 2013
Comparison between Ministers And Departments in India In the general administrative machinery there is much difference between a Department and a Ministry. A Ministry is under the direct control of a minister and a Department is always guided and controlled by a secretary. A department
Powers Of District Magistrate(Districe Collector) In India
Posted in Administration in India by Amit Sen On August 20, 2013
Powers Of District Magistrate In India The District Magistrate or the Collector is the chief executive of a district. He is responsible for running the administration of the district smoothly and properly. In fact, the district is the principal administration in India.
State Secretariats in India
Posted in Administration in India by Amit Sen On August 20, 2013
State Secretariats in India India has been made a federation and following the tradition of that federal system, State Secretariats have also been created in each of component states. The State Secretariats are the main administrative centers of the state governments. The