It is said that "student life is golden life," because student life is the most important part of human life. It is the period of pure joy and happiness, because the mind of a student is free from cares and worries of a grown-up life. In this period, the character of man is built. So, it is … [Read more...]
Essay on Value of Discipline in our Life
The word ‘Discipline’ is derived from ‘disciple’. In ancient time a disciple always obeyed his master unconditionally which is a very necessary thing to all of us. Discipline is valuable not only in the life of an individual but also it should be a motto to all of us. Student Life: It is a … [Read more...]
Short Paragraph on National Integration
National Integration refers to the sense of emotional oneness in a land of people belonging to diverse cultures. Today, no country in the world can claim a single communal identity. Different communities live side by side in a state. All of them belong to the same nation and live together in … [Read more...]
Short essay on Science and Technology
Science and Technology is the basis of modern civilization. The age in which we live can rightly be called the age of science and technology. The progress of science and technology has made many useful achievements in every field of our life. In everyday life, we enjoy various gifts of science … [Read more...]
Short Paragraph on Perseverance
Perseverance is continued application of mind to a work once begun. It is a secret of success in life. It is the twin brother of patience. Failures may come. But we should never yield to them. In fact, failures are the stepping-stones to success. Perseverance brings win. The story of Robert Bruce … [Read more...]
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