Indian Embroidery Stitches
Indian Embroidery Stitches The Indian embroidery stitches belongs to no special caste, community or sex. The art is hereditary like so many other skills in India. It is passed down from father to son or from mother to daughter. Indian embroidery uses many
Traditional Indian Embroidery
Traditional Indian Embroidery Traditional Indian embroidery achieved its beauty and luminosity as much from the embroiderer’s skill as from the quality of the materials used. The natural color used for dyeing the threads distinguishes the work done in India from that done
Gujarati Hand Embroidery | Gujarat Embroidery
Gujarat has been renowned for the quality of its hand embroidery. The richness of design and variety of hand embroidery stitches used Gujarat is explained by one of the legends pertaining to Krishna. On his way to Dwarka, Krishna fought and killed
Materials for Hand Embroidery
Materials for Hand Embroidery The materials used for Hand Embroidery in India includes cotton, silk, tusser, wool etc. Wool has been traditionally used as hand embroidering material both for garments and rugs and carpets. Such work was done in Kashmir where craftsmen
Information on Nakshi Kantha (Folk Art of Bengal)
Posted in Handicraft by Avinash Tripathi On July 16, 2013
Nakshi Kantha Nakshi Kantha, also known as Nakshi Katha, is the popular hand embroidery art form of West Bengal and Bangladesh. Meaning The word ‘nakshi’ derives its origin in the Bengali word ‘naksha’. “Naksha” means design or pattern. The name “Kantha” is
Alpana or Alpona The Alpana or (Alpona in Bengali) is derived from the Sanskrit Alimpan, meaning colourful designs. The term commonly referred as Rangolin in Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh. Alpana painting is very popular in West Bengal. The art of Alpana painting
Alpana Rangoli Designs - Designs of Alpana
The designs of Alpana are always associated with beliefs that have come down through generations. The Alpana rangoli designs are generally round, with Hindus and Muslims using different paintings. Both, however, share the practice of painting the Alpana on their vessels. Detailed accounts
Kantha Quilts
Posted in Handicraft by Avinash Tripathi On July 7, 2013
What is Kantha Quilt and Kantha Quilting? Kantha Quilt is a blanket or bed covering traditionally composed of three or more layers of fabrics tied together through the stitches of Kantha Work. Kantha Quilting refers to the technique of joining two or
Article on Kantha Saree, Designer Kantha Sarees
Posted in Handicraft by Avinash Tripathi On July 5, 2013
Kantha Sarees The Kantha sarees have helped in keeping alive a folk art of Bengal. In recent times, there has been huge surge in demand for Kantha sarees of Bengal. The old typical Kantha Motif designs are hand-embroidered to produce a number
Motifs of India
Posted in Handicraft by Avinash Tripathi On July 4, 2013
The variety of Motifs used in India are limitless. Let us take a look at the different motifs and what they symbolize : Palki Motif Palki means Palanquin. The palanquin was a common mode of transport in rural areas. Indian have traditionally been