History of Urdu Literature
Posted in Indian Literature by Vivek Murarka On September 15, 2013
History of Urdu Literature The same Khari Boli that gave rise to Hindi also gave rise to Urdu around the 11th century AD. The Western Sauraseni Apabhramsa is the source of the grammatical structure of Urdu though the vocabulary of the language, its
History of Gujarati Literature
Posted in Indian Literature by Vivek Murarka On September 15, 2013
Gujarati evolved from a dialect of the Gurjara Apabhramsa. Gujarati Literature reached a distinctive form by the 12th century. Jain influence is strongly evident in the early stages of its development. Jain authors transformed the Rasa, originally a folk dance, into melodious
Short paragraph on Assamese Literature
Posted in Indian Literature by Vivek Murarka On September 15, 2013
Assamese literature forms developed in the Assamese language by the 13th century though the language can be traced back to the seventh century AD. In the early period Rudra Kundali translated the ‘Dronaparva’ of the Mahabharata, and Madhava Kundali rendered dramatic incidents
Short Article on Konkani Literature
Posted in Indian Literature by Vivek Murarka On September 14, 2013
Much of the early indigenous Konkani literature has been lost. As a language it is close to Marathi and Hindi and Devanagari is its natural script. Tales of the Mahabharata and the Ramayana translated from Marathi by Krishnadas Sharma in the 16th
Brief History of Kashmiri Literature
Posted in Indian Literature by Vivek Murarka On September 10, 2013
Brief History of Kashmiri Literature. It was around the 10th century AD that Kashmiri separated itself from Apabhramsa parentage. In the beginning Kashmir poetry was an extension of Saiva texts in Sanskrit, for instance, Abhinavagupta’s Tantrasara, Buddhism and Vaishnavism also had an impact
Brief History of Bangla Literature
Posted in Indian Literature by Vivek Murarka On September 10, 2013
Bengali Language probably emerged as a separate language around 1000 AD. The beginnings of Bengali literature are to be seen in the songs composed in the 11th - 12th centuries. The Natha literature was inspired by philosophy of the Buddhist Sahajiya cult.