Difficulties in Measuring National Income in India
Posted in Economy of India by Nitin Singhal On November 1, 2013
Difficulties in estimating national income in India are as follows: Firstly, in India, most of the people are illiterate. They have no idea about the method of keeping accounts. Secondly, the large non-monetary sector of our economy also stands in the way
Development of Small Scale Industries in India
Posted in Economy of India by Nitin Singhal On November 1, 2013
The Small Scale Industries play an important role in Indian economy in spite of facing numerous difficulties. The Government of India has taken certain measures for the development of cottage and small scale industries. We will discuss those measures in brief in
Problems Faced by Small Scale Industries in India
Posted in Economy of India by Nitin Singhal On November 1, 2013
Introduction Small scale and cottage industries in India occupy a vital position in the planned industrial development in the country. Not only they provide immediate large scale employment but also offer a method of ensuring a more equitable distribution of the national
Impact of Population on Indian Economy
Posted in Economy of India by Nitin Singhal On November 1, 2013
In some underdeveloped economics, the increased population may help in the economic progress of the country by providing cheap and abundant labor. It can also expand market which necessitates effective demand. But this is not true in case of the over-populated and
Methods of Calculating National Income in India
Posted in Economy of India by Nitin Singhal On November 1, 2013
Introduction The economy of country refers to labor and property supplied by the people of the nation. The national income of a country is expressed in terms of money valued at current price levels. A national income provides a total for the
Short Paragraph on Water Pollution
Posted in Indian Geography by Vishal Sharma On November 1, 2013
Introduction Water Pollution is the contamination of water bodies. It occurs as a result of introduction of pollutants in water. The sources, effects, and control measures of Water Pollution are discussed below. Sources The Sources of water pollution are: Industry: Effluents from
Sources of Noise Pollution
Posted in Indian Geography by Vishal Sharma On November 1, 2013
Introduction The sources of Noise Pollution may be broadly classified under the following categories. (A) Transport noise, (B) Machinery noise, (C) Domestic and neighborhood noise. A. Sources of Transport noise: The sources of Transport noises are mainly of three types. Surface traffic or