History of Indian Art and Architecture
Posted in History of India by Arnab Basu On February 19, 2014
History of Indian Art and Architecture This articles gives discusses the Mauryan Art, Sunga and Kanva Art, Satavahana Art, Kushana Art, Gupta Art, Pala-Sena Art, Rajput Art, Pallava Art, Rashtrakuta Art, Chola Art, The Chalukya and Hoyasala Art, etc. Mauryan Art and Architecture
Mother Goddess in Indian Religion
Posted in Religion in India by Arnab Basu On February 19, 2014
Right from the days of the Indus Valley Civilisation, the Mother Goddess is worshipped in India as the force behind productivity. But during the period between the Rig-Vedic age till the beginning of the Gupta age, aristocrats were not in favour of
Role and Status of Women in Ancient India
Posted in History of Ancient India by Arnab Basu On February 19, 2014
The Rig Vedic Women in India enjoyed high status in society. Their condition was good. But from enjoying free and esteemed positions in the Rig-Vedic society, women started being discriminated against since the Later-Vedic period in education and other rights and facilities. Child
Importance of Railways in India
Posted in Important India by H Patra On February 19, 2014
Importance of Railways in India Indian Railway provides the most important mode of public transport in India. This is the most commonly used and cost effective long distance transport system of the country. Indian Railway is operating by Ministry of Railways. Indian
Major Mountain Peaks in India
Posted in Indian Geography by H Patra On February 19, 2014
Major Mountain Peaks in India Kangchenjunga: The 3rd highest mountain in World and ranked one in India is Kangchenjunga with a height of 28169 ft (8586 mt). It is located between Nepal and Indian state Sikkim. Due to Kangchenjunga’s five highest peaks, it
Sources and Effects of Radiation Pollution
Introduction: Man and all life forms on earth have evolved in a radiation environment. All non-living substances and generations of living beings are exposed to natural radiation. This is inevitable. The air we breathe, the water and beverages we drink, the food we
Essay on Noise Pollution
Posted in Environment by Vishal Sharma On February 18, 2014
Noise Pollution Noise pollution refers to the unwanted sound that can disrupt the human health and life. A given sound may be Music to one person’s ears but noise to another’s. Sound is measured by a unit called the ‘Decibel’. It is
Essay on Water Pollution
Posted in Environment by Vishal Sharma On February 18, 2014
Essay on Water Pollution Water covers two-thirds of the Earth’s surface, with over 97% present in the oceans and less than 1% in freshwater streams and lakes. Water is also present in the atmosphere in solid form in the polar icecaps and
Major Air Pollutants in India
Posted in Environment by Vishal Sharma On February 18, 2014
Major Air Pollutants The prime air pollutants and the sources of major pollutants in India are as follows: Sulfur dioxide Sulfur dioxide has an unpleasant odor that is detectable at concentrations greater than about 1 ppm, although above 3 ppm (parts per
Importance of Gold
Posted in Essays, Paragraphs and Articles by Ankita Mitra On February 17, 2014
Gold is a metal. It is not common like other metal. It is the most precious of all metals. It is generally found in mines. Hence, it is called a mineral substance. It is also found in river beds. Gold is found