Rivers in West Bengal
Posted in Indian Geography by Suraj Yadav On April 15, 2014
Major Rivers in West Bengal Major rivers in West Bengal are the Bhagirathi-Hugli, the Mahananda, the Tista, and the Jaldhaka. Further, There are East and South-East flowing rivers. The Bhagirathi-Hugli: The southward flowing rivers are mostly snow-fed. During rainy season they flow
Problems of Jute Industry in India
Posted in Economy of India by Suraj Yadav On April 15, 2014
Problems of Jute Industry in India The major problems of Indian Jute Industries are mentioned below: High cost of production: Equipments for production are all worn out, outmoded in design. Many mills are uneconomic. Products are made costlier. Storage of raw Jute:
Climatic conditions for Growing Wheat
Posted in Indian Geography by Suraj Yadav On April 15, 2014
Climatic conditions for Growing Wheat Wheat is a Rabi crop. It is sown in mid-October-mid-November and harvested in March. It grows well in cool, moist climate and ripens in a warm, dry climate. The cool winters and the hot summers are conducive
Canal Irrigation System in India
Posted in Indian Geography by Suraj Yadav On April 15, 2014
Canal Irrigation System in India Canal irrigation is the most important form of irrigation in India. It is cheaper. It is of greatest advantage in the river valley regions. In canal irrigation, U.P. stands first in India, followed by Punjab and Haryana.
Greater Himalayas (Himadri)
Posted in Indian Geography by Suraj Yadav On April 15, 2014
Greater Himalayas (Himadri) Greater Himalayas or Himadri or Himagiri comprises all major mountain ranges of the Himalayas. Among the four parallel ranges of the Himalayas, the Greater Himalaya appears highest, largest and longest. The famous mountain peaks like Mt. Everest (8,852 m)
Facts about Himalayas
Posted in Indian Geography by Suraj Yadav On April 15, 2014
Facts about Himalayas The Himalayas stand like a mighty wall all along the northern border of India. Their average width varies about 240 km to 400 km with a mean elevation of about 6,000 m. The Himalayas cover an area of about
Trans Himalayas
Posted in Indian Geography by Suraj Yadav On April 15, 2014
Trans Himalayas The Trans-Himalaya or Tethys Himalayas or Tibetan Himalaya consists of ranges like Karakoram and Ladakh. The second highest mountain peak of the world and the highest mountain peak of India, K2 (Mt. Godwin Austin) (8,611 m) stands here. K2 is the
Brief Note on Paintings of Medieval India
Posted in History of Medieval India by Suraj Yadav On April 15, 2014
Paintings of Medieval India The Medieval India is the part of Indian history between the 8th century and the 18the century A.D. During Medieval period, India witnessed significant growth in the field of art of painting. The sultanate period, except in some
Sri Ramanujacharya and his disciple Ramananda
Posted in History of Medieval India by Suraj Yadav On April 12, 2014
Sri Ramanujacharya (also Saint Ramanuja) may be called the pioneer of Bhakti movement in India. He lived in the 12th century A.D. in South India. He preached the essence of Vaishnavism - modesty, love and devotion, as pre-conditions for having the grace of
Short Paragraph on Humayun
Posted in Essays, Paragraphs and Articles by Suraj Yadav On April 12, 2014
Humayun After Babur’s death, his son and successor Humayun ascended the throne of Mughal Empire. He lacked the military talent and political wisdom of his father. Immediately after his accession, Humayun was confronted with a number of enemies like Bahadur Shah of