The Origin of Buddhism | The rise of Buddhism

The causes for the origin of Buddhism are many. Infact, the Rise of Buddhism is a result of several contemporary factors combined together. Let us have a review at those factors. The Rise of Large Kingdoms The political, social and economic life

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Organization of Buddhist Church (Buddhist Sangha)

Buddhist Church and its Organization Gautama Buddha not only preached his religious doctrines but he laid down rules for the organization of the Buddhist church (Buddhist Sangha). These bodies of rules and their rigorous observance by the Buddhists led to the formation

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Fundamental Principles of Buddhism

Fundamental Principles of Buddhism The Sutta and the Nikayas The Pali `Pitakas‘ and ‘Nikayas’ are the earliest available sources for Buddha’s teachings (Dhamma). The Pitakas consist of three parts, The Vinaya Pitaka The Sutta Pitaka, and the Avidhamma Pitaka. The `Sutta Pitaka’ is

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Gwalior Gharana of Classical Music

Gwalior gharana of Indian classical music is easily the doyen amongst Khayal gharanas. The master figure Gwalior gharana was Ghulam Rasul of Lucknow. Then came Nathan Pirbux who migrated from Lucknow to Gwalior and his illustrious descendents Haddu Khan, Hassu Khan, Nathu

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Social and Economic Life of Indus Valley Civilization (Harappan Civilization)

Social and Economic Life of the Indus Valley People The social and economic life of of the people of Indus Valley Civilization (Harappan Civilization) was systematic and organised. In this article we will discuss about the food, social Dress, ornaments, house hold

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Gautama Buddha Birth Date and Death Date

The Birth Date and Death date of Gautama Buddha It is generally agreed that Gautama Buddha was born in 566 B.C. But the date of Buddha’s death is a subject of keen controversy among scholars. The Buddhist traditions unanimously point out that

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Philosophy of Buddhism

The Buddhism Philosophy There are good reasons to believe that Buddhism to begin with, was a body of moral principles rather than a metaphysical system. But in course of time philosophical background became necessary for its survival and propagation. Buddhism borrowed some

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How to Awaken Love and Interest in Classical Music

To awaken love and interest in classical music among classical music audience, we have to think of various strategies The most crucial is perhaps that of exposing the school going children to the basics and rudimentary concepts and practices of Indian classical

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Sakya Clan | Sakya Buddhism | Sakyas

Sakya Clan : The clan in which Buddha was born The Buddhist records give some details of the Sakya clan. Gautama Buddha was born in the Sakya clan and for that reason the Sakyas were held in great esteem by the Buddhistic

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Agra Gharana – Singers of Indian Classical Music

Agra Gharana – Singers of Indian Classical Music Alakhdas and Mulukdas were the first musician of Agra gharana of Indian classical music but a definite shape and form was given by Haji Sujan Khan, a junior contemporary of Mia Tansen. Later Gaghe

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