Dhana Nanda (The Last king of Nanda Dynasty)
Posted in History of Ancient India by Rajiv Singh On October 17, 2013
Dhana Nanda was the last king of Nanda Empire. He was one among the nine sons of Mahapadma Nanda. He was called Dhana Nanda for his love of hoarding wealth, the last Nanda was called Dhana Nanda. Army: King Dhana Nanda inherited the
Extent of Nanda Empire
Posted in History of Ancient India by Rajiv Singh On October 17, 2013
The Nanda Empire was extended upto Kalinga. The southern frontier of the Nanda Empire did not limit itself to Kalinga. It extended over to the Asmaka country in the Godavari valley in Deccan. Whether the Nanda Empire extended still further beyond the
Mahapadma Nanda
Posted in History of Ancient India by Rajiv Singh On October 17, 2013
Mahapadma Nanda Mahapadma Nanda was the founder of Nanda Empire in Magadha. Mahapadma Nanda was the first historical emperor of Northern India. Ancestors of Mahapadma Nanda The ancestry of the first Nanda is a controversial question. We have twofold versions of his
Significance of Nanda Empire
Posted in History of Ancient India by Rajiv Singh On October 17, 2013
The Nanda Kings established a strong monarchy based on an efficient bureaucracy and a mighty army. The conquests made by the Nandas paved the way for the political unification of India under the Mauryas. The age of the Nanda Empire was significant