We can save or conserve water for future use, if we use it wisely. We should use water in a sensible way. Water can be saved for use in the near future - or indefinitely for future generations.
Tips on Using Water Wisely
Please find below some quick and easy tips on using water wisely at home:
- Boil carefully: use a cup to measure the correct amount of water into the kettle when making hot drinks.
- Turn of taps: when brushing teeth, tun the tap off until you need to rinse your brush.
- Shorter showers: shower for a shorter period of time.
- Reuse water: water that has been used to cook veggies in can be used for soup later, for example.
- Fit water saving devices: these can go on taps and shower heads and in toilet cisterns.
- Fix leaks: gallons of water can be lost per minute from a single leak.
- Obey hosepipe bans: and encourage your neighbors to do the same.
- Collect rainwater: this is great for watering plants and washing cars.
- Store a jar of cold water in the refrigerator: this stops you from having to run the cold tap for a long time when you want an ice cold drink.
Conclusion: We can all start to save water right now.