Marine ecosystems are ecosystems that are related to the sea. However, there are many different types of marine ecosystems in existence, including:
1. Ocean ecosystems: Creatures and plants that live out in the ocean.
2. Deep sea ecosystems: These ecosystems are situated right on the ocean floor. Though cold, dark and weighted down by the pressure of the water above, the ocean floor is home to some of our planet’s most wonderful and mysterious creatures.
3. Salt marshes: The water logged earth of the salt marshes provides a home for numerous organisms.
4. Intertidal zones: The intertidal zone is a very shifting and dynamic ecosystem. This ecosystem is situated on the sea shore and whilst at high tide it is under water, at low tide it is dry. As a result, it can attract a wide variety of different creatures. A variation on this type of ecosystem is the estuary ecosystem.
5. Lagoons and rock pools: In both lagoons and rock pools, salty sea water has become trapped and in these still (lotic) waters, all kinds of animals can live including fish, sea weeds, sea birds and anemones.
6. Coral reefs: Beautiful and very ancient, coral reefs build up over thousands of years and many different creatures come to live in them.